Mountbatten Hampshire ‘Light up a Life’ Service
‘Mountbatten will be by your side this festive season’

Drive Personnel was delighted to be the sponsor of this year’s Light up a Life service, hosted by local hospice Mountbatten Hampshire on Sunday 11th December.
‘Light up a Life’ was created to allow local Hampshire communities to take the time to remember and celebrate those loved ones who sadly won’t be with us this Christmas. The symbolic lighting of candles, illumination of the Mountbatten Christmas tree and touching moments of reflection, were partnered with festive music and dedicated readings for those that we so dearly miss.
Mountbatten Hampshire is a cause personally close to our hearts, given that the hospice has provided end of life care to people very close to the Drive Personnel team, and to managing director Chris Bryant in particular.
If you missed this year’s event and would like to dedicated a light in memory of your loved one, you can still make a donation to dedicate a light on the Mountbatten’s online virtual Remembrance Tree here.
Drive Personnel would like to thank all of those who took part in this year’s service with the total amount raised standing at over £12,000 thus far. We would encourage anyone who is able to do so to support such an important organisation.
About Mountbatten Hampshire
The Mountbatten Hampshire hospice has provided support for patients with life-limiting illnesses and their family and carers for over 40 years. Working across the South, the team at Mountbatten provide essential care for people suffering with cancer and dementia among other illnesses, and offer physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual support for the affected families in their time of bereavement.
For more information about the Mountbatten Hospice or to make a donation visit: